Monday, 3 February 2014


So, H for Hats is my mum's knitting page. She knits all sorts, from blankets to hats. My mum works full-time and every day that she comes home from work, she is knitting something new. It would be really great if you could check out her Facebook page and like it (click here for the link). She is currently on 276 likes and it would mean a lot if you could like the page for her. She puts a great deal of time and effort into her knitting/crocheting. She can pretty much create anything and loves to give herself a challenge. Here are a few things that she has made:

Please take a look at the things that she has made and like the page. If you are interested, then don't hesitate to send her a message for further details. 

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this Naomi it's lovely of you to help me spread the word. Love you xx
