Saturday, 18 January 2014


The Kindle App is one of the best apps I have on my iPad. You can get a variety of amazing Kindle books from Amazon for such a good price (even the books that are only 59p are able to get you hooked). Once I'm stuck into a book, I can't get out of it. Sometimes I will just like to shut off from the world and just sit down with a brew and read a book. You know a book is a good one when you can't put it down. I am going to recommend a number of books that I have recently read, with little descriptions but not giving too much away.

I love sitting down with a good book and a cup of green tea.

1. The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriaty - this book has gone straight up into one of my favourite books. I read this book within two days, I couldn't put it down. Even though I knew I had to get to sleep and I was tired, I just wanted to keep going with it. The book focuses on a certain event that happened about 25 years prior to the when the book is set, and the book has three protagonists who are in some way linked to this event. It can get a bit confusing at first with who is who and how they are linked to the event, but you get the gist of it in no time. I don't want to give too much away about it, but a few chapters in (the chapters aren't long chapters) I had a rough idea of what would happen in the end. The book is quite dark and captivating. There is no wonder that it's on the topsellers list. This is the book that I would recommend the most.

2. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - this is the most recent book that I have read. My housemate from university recommended it to but it took me a few months to actually start reading it. At first I couldn't get into it. Once the storyline picked up and got increasingly more interesting, I was hooked. The book is written in first person and the chapters are focused on either the male or females thoughts. It's so good to get into both of their heads as the story is based on the both of them. This was another book that I couldn't put down, I literally read it all in the space of 24 hours. I'm so glad I read it, the story is so captivating. I also found out that a film is being produced, based on the book. The film is planned to be released at the end of the year. I can't wait! You should really give this a read, it's a mystery thriller which keeps your eyes glued to the screen/book/whatever you read it off.

3. Ice Cream Girls by Dorothy Koomson - I first heard of this book when a short series based on it was aired on ITV in 2013. My friend as good as forced me to read it because she enjoyed it so much. As the book was being aired weekly, I was determined to read it all before the series ended. As most people would say, the book is better than the TV show/film and the book was definitely much better! If you saw the show, all I can say is that the ending in the book is different to the shows. This book is again focusing on two female protagonists. For instance, one chapter focuses on one woman's thoughts and another chapter will focus on the others. This book is also quite dark but this doesn't remain throughout. In the end you find out the whole truth, and I literally screamed "oh my god!" when I got to it. It's literally an amazing book and the whole storyline is brilliant.

4. Single Woman Seeks Revenge by Tracy Bloom - it has been a while since I read this book, and trying to remember what happened was a little tough. However I can tell you, I really enjoyed it. This book was really enjoyable as it was a funny romance novel. What girl doesn't like that? This book is good for girls who would love to seek revenge on an ex partner. The revenge ideas that the protagonist comes up with are just hilarious! Some of which are quite brutal, which I wouldn't have the balls to do, and some of them make you think "why didn't I think of that?" Not only does she get revenge on men who have hurt in the past, but she also gives out some crazy advice to other women who have been hurt by men. Tracy Bloom deserves a medal for her revenge ideas and her entertainment skills. I was entertained throughout the time I was reading the book.

If you haven't already read any of these books yet girls, then add these books onto your "books to read" list and give them a read! The good thing about buying Kindle style books is that you can try out a sample before you purchase it. Go on then, what are you waiting for? If you have any book recommendations, then feel free to leave a comment down below.


  1. Gorgeous little blog. Gone Girl is such a great read!

    Georgina at

    1. Thank you :) I loved Gone Girl. I can't wait for the film to come out!

  2. I've recently gotten back to reading for fun again, but I've been completely clueless as to what books would be good! This post is actually perfect for me at the moment, definitely bookmarking it :)
    Anyway, your blog is amazing! I've nominated you for a Sunshine Blogger Award that you can find here: Hope you check it out! :)

    Jenny xx
